Quickly assess, identify and troubleshoot using
effective approaches to make HR better


HR Consultancy

Our Consulting Services for Multinational Corporations (MNCS) and organisations of ALL SIZES covers:
• HR Automation • Workforce Compliance • HR Audit • Lean Administration in HR



HR Operations requires much attention to and can be complex with a considerable amount of manual effort. As a small organization, you can benefit from the automation of cloud-based HR solutions. Automating a workflow allows you or your staff to spend more time and energy growing your business or organisation!

We assist and convert your tedious routine to streamlined workflows with off-the-shelf HR applications.
Using our HR ACT Operations Accelerator™ will help to automate up to 40% of the daily HR Operations.

In this 3-step conversion process:

  1. Streamline your daily HR Operations

  2. Select the most suitable HR applications for your organisation/business

  3. Assist as Project Manager (if required) to get it up and running


WOrkforce COMpliance

HR ACT believes in simplicity and cost-efficiency. Through establishing strong foundations and fundamentals in your HR practices, compliance does not need to be complex and expensive.

We will assess your current situation with our team’s expert, set-up internal controls and transform your HR organization to be 100% compliant and effective.

*A comprehensive report will be generated showing all the critical issues with proposed solutions and require actions.


HR audit

We implement a 7-step, quick and efficient strategy, to a successful Audit.
HR ACT will help you to prepare and manage external and internal Audits.

With a comprehensive preparation and execution according to an agreed road map, our expert team will guarantee your organisation’s success.

*A comprehensive report will be generated showing all the critical issues with proposed solutions and require actions


WORKFLOW REVIEW: Lean Administration in hr

Cut away any excess and unnecessary steps in your current workflow which you may not be aware of.
Adopting a straight-forward and fast-track approach, we provide consultations and run a Workflow Review Workshop with your HR team* to:

  1. Define projects to streamline the HR Operations

  2. Prioritise the project with the highest impact on the organization

  3. Create a Sprint Implementation Project (SIP)

*We provide a range of approaches specific to the size of your HR team - from 1 person to 3 persons and more!

This is done F2F or remotely in an online meeting.
A report will be generated and documented for reference, especially useful if split teams are supporting HR.

Contact us or schedule a free call and tell us more about your organisation/business: